Great news, the pool will be open during the week of the US Open. Originally the pool was going to be closed based on information that many of the houses in Woodlake were going to be rented to US Open spectators. For better or worse, the rental scenario did not happen. Since the weather will be good, and we could be trapped in our neighborhood the Board has decided it is in the best interest of our neighborhood to keep the pool open.
Remember, the pool is open to residents and their escorted guests. US Open renters are not allowed to use the pool and those home owners that rent their house for the event and allow US Open renters to use the pool will assume all liability associated with this and lose pool privileges for an indefinite period of time.
There will be no life guard on duty this week.
Finally, the parking area by the pool is closed and those vehicles parked in it will be towed.
Have fun and see you at the pool.