
The pool opens tomorrow morning at 9 am.

Attached, you will find the pool rules.  Please fill out the last page with your information and signature.  It can be returned electronically by forwarding back to this email or printing the last page and returning to the life guards when they are on duty.   

Please remember to follow the rules and cleanup after yourself.  

The lifeguards will start when school is out.  The goal is daily coverage from 12-6 or as close to this as is possible.

Thanks to Lee Richardson for all his work remodeling the pool house.  Additional thanks to Roger Lawrence and Harvey Birch.

By Carmelle


The pool opening has been delayed.

once repairs to the pump and heat are completed it will open.

By Carmelle

Annual Woodlake HOA Meeting

It is time for the annual Woodlake Homeowners Association meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone here.

The meeting will be held at the Pierce County Environmental Building 9850 64thSt. W. University Place.  The building is located across from the pet cemetery and next to the golf course. The meeting will be May 12th from 6pm to 8pm. 

By Carmelle

Annual Garage Sale

The annual Woodlake Garage Sale will be Friday June 17 to Sunday June 19 from 9:00 am until 5:00 PM on these days.

By Carmelle

Annual Woodlake Easter Egg Hunt

It is time for the annual Woodlake Easter Egg Hunt. The annual search for the golden egg starts promptly at 10:00 AM on Saturday April 16, 2022. Don’t be late, we meet by the pond.

By Carmelle

Christmas Tree Lighting

The annual Woodlake Christmas Tree Lighting is Saturday December 4th at 6pm at the pond.  Come join your neighbors for a fun filled time with refreshments.

By Carmelle

National Night Out

Tuesday August 3, 2021 is the National Night Out gathering.  Ice Cream and Hot Dogs will be served from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at the Pond Parking lot.  This is a great way to meet your neighbors.

By Carmelle