The annual Woodlake Garage Sale will be Friday June 18 and Saturday June 19 from 9:00 am until 5:00 PM on these days.
Annual Woodlake Homeowners Meeting
Greetings All,
In the past years we have used Chambers Elementary school library for our annual meeting. Because of Covid restrictions at the school, we can not use the library this year.
This year the meeting will be held at the Pierce County Environmental Building 9850 64thSt. W. University Place. The building is located across from the pet cemetery and next to the golf course. The meeting will be June 10th from 6pm to 8pm. The meeting date changed to avoid the holiday weekend.
Please put this on your calendar to attend and have your questions or concerns ready to be heard. Keep in mind that we will only have a two-hour allotted time. Security will leave the gates open until we are finished and the last car has departed.
Just a couple of things that seem to always come up at these meetings.
The pool and the pond are the most expensive items that we maintain.
The majority of the homeowners want the pool to remain functional,
especially since there are so many kids that have moved into Woodlake.
The pond collects all of the storm drain runoff from Woodlake streets and we are required by Pierce County to keep it functional. This is being brought up just as a reminder so that we do not spend unnecessary time on these subjects.
The pool will be opening Memorial Day Weekend
Spring Reminder
The Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R’s) can be found on our website For procedures required to notify you of any defaults as well as possible penalties, see Amendment #20130081900090. Below are listed the most common items your Board enforces.
1. Vehicles on Property: No more than 4 motor vehicles from the street at any one residence. Parking on the grass, lawns, flower beds, or common areas is not allowed. (Amendment # 2001091309600)
2. Roof- To be reasonably free from unsightly debris including, but not limited to, moss, tree limbs, cones, needles and leaves.
Landscaping and Front Yard- Landscaping shall include trees, shrubs, lawns and rockery. All landscaping will be kept reasonably trimmed and neat. Lawns will be kept mowed. Weeds will be removed from the lawn and flower beds as needed. (Amendment #201308190090)
All below can be found in the original document (#230515)
3. Refuse: All garbage, refuse, rubbish to to be deposited in a container and screened from public view.
4. RVS – Must be in a garage or suitably screened from view-this also includes motor homes, campers and boats.
5. The Architectural Control Committee governs the following items and its approval must be received prior to commencement of any work.
a. Any additions to the house.
b. Any new front yard landscaping. Any fencing install or replacement.
c. Any new roof install and any change in exterior paint/color
6. Pets-House type pets only are allowed. Cats and dogs are not to exceed 2. Please be courteous and pick up after your dog.
No trees may be limbed, balanced or removed in the common areas without Board approval ascertained in conjunction with the arborist.
Volunteers are needed for the Social Committee. Contact Chad Nolan
The Woodlake Annual Garage Sale is scheduled for June 18-19th.
It is time for the annual Woodlake Easter Egg Hunt. The annual search for the golden egg starts promptly at 10:00 AM on Saturday April 3, 2021. Don’t be late, we meet by the pond.
Woodlake Tree Lighting
The annual Woodlake Christmas Tree Lighting is this Thursday December 3rd, at 7pm at the pond. Come join your neighbors for a fun filled time with refreshments.
Saturday is Halloween. Let’s make it special for all the kids in the neighborhood.
Halloween reminders:
hours: 6:00 pm to 8:00pm
if you are not participating please turn off porch light.
Enjoy and watch out for the kids.
True Green
True Green will treat the greenbelts on September 29, 2020 for noxious weeds.
there have been numerous sightings of a large coyote in the neighborhood. Recently around the 9am timeframe.
Great news, the pool opens at noon tomorrow August 4, 2020. Due to corona virus restrictions the pool is limited to 8 swimmers at a time. Residents have priority. If others are waiting to use pool, time will be limited to 45 minutes in the pool. In order to use the pool, you will need to print and sign the last page of the rules. Give the signed copy to the lifeguard. There are no printed copies at the pool. Lifeguards are on duty 12-5 daily. Links to the rules and covid rules are on the pool page above.